
Test Your Farm Lease Knowledge

So, you're a landowner and you want to terminate a lease.
Test Your Farm Lease Knowledge

Test Your Farm Lease KnowledgeTake this quick quiz to see if you are ready to make it legal!


QUESTION 1: Lease Termination Deadline

The deadline for Notification of Lease Termination for 2021 growing season is:

A. September 1, 2020

B. October 3, 2021


QUESTION 2: Notification Method

According to Iowa Code §562.7, which of these methods are acceptable for serving statutory notice of lease termination?

A. Delivery of the notice, on or before September 1, with acceptance of service to be signed by the party to the lease or a successor of the party.

B. Serving the notice, on or before September 1, personally, or if personal service has been tried and cannot be achieved, by publication, on the same conditions, and in the same manner as is provided for the service of process in a lawsuit.

C. Mailing notice before 9/1 by certified mail to the last known mailing address.


QUESTION 3: Reason for Termination

Which of these reasons for agricultural crop lease termination can you legally claim under Iowa law?

A. Ouster and Breach

B. Hold-over Tenant

C. Border Dispute


If you have any questions regarding any of these questions, give us a call!



QUESTION 1: Lease Termination Deadline

A. September 1, 2019


QUESTION 2: Notification Method

A, B, and C are all correct answers


QUESTION 3: Reason for Termination

A and B are correct


Source: Correct answers sourced from “Iowa Farm Leases: A Legal Review;” Iowa State University Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation, June, 2016.

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