1309 1st Ave. S, Suite 5
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
(515) 576-3671
Office Phone #
Land Auction: Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 10:00am, Simultaneous Live & Online
Live Auction At: Humboldt County Fairgrounds, 311 6th Ave N, Humboldt, Iowa 50548
Online Auction At: LIVE ONLINE WEBCAST – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER OR VIEW THE AUCTION (https://sunderman.nextlot.com/public/)
Online Bidders: AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE the auction starts, use the link above to register for the auction. Recommended internet browser is Chrome (other browsers might not work).
For ALL the details, please click on the Auction Details Booklet below:
Auction Details Booklet – Moffitt Farm
Approximate Legal Description: Fractional portion of Section 1-T91N-R29W of the 5th P.M., containing 11.39± taxable acres, and a fractional portion of Sections 1 & 12-T91N-R29W of the 5th P.M., containing 54.92± taxable acres, all in Corinth Township, Humboldt County, Iowa.
Farm Location: The property is in the city of Humboldt, Iowa. It is on the east edge of Humboldt, and along the west side of the Three Rivers Trail. The West Fork of the Des Moines River is the west border of a portion of the property as well. Parts of the property have frontage along 5th Street South, 3rd Avenue South, and 1st Ave N.
Farm Information: Farm Service Agency (FSA) Farm Number: 4823 (Tract 1006 & 1007)
Tract 1006 Information (North 11.39± Acres)
Taxable Acres 11.39± acres
Property Taxes $260.00 annually, or $22.83 per taxable acre.
FSA Cropland Acres 8.82± acres
Corn Suitability Rating 2 (CSR2) 63.5
Corn Base 5.5 acres
Soybean Base 3.3 acres
PLC Corn Yield Index 155 bu/acre
PLC Soybean Yield Index 44 bu/acre
No Highly Erodible Land
Zoned R-3 Multiple-Family Residential and I-1 General Industrial
The north 11.39± acre parcel is growing corn this year. It does not have any conservation reserve program acres. The south boundary is 1st Ave North. The NEW Cooperative grain facility is directly across the road to the south. The east boundary is Three Rivers Trail. This parcel has development potential, subject to the governmental zoning rules and Federal Emergency Management Agency flood plain restrictions.
Tract 1007 Information (South 54.92± Acres):
Taxable Acres 54.92± acres
Property Taxes $1,090.00 annually, or $19.85 per taxable acre.
FSA Cropland Acres 50.22± acres
Corn Suitability Rating 2 (CSR2) 58.5
No Highly Erodible Land
Zoned A-1 Agricultural, R-3 Multiple-Family Residential, and I-1 General Industrial
Conservation Reserve Program $15,149.00 total annually, 50.22 acres in CRP
(14.18 acres through 9/30/2024 at $330.60/acre, or $4,688.00. 36.04 acres through 9/30/2026 at $290.25/acre, or 10,461.00.)
This 54.92± acre parcel is grass, trees, and conservation reserve program acres. At the south end of this parcel, the West Fork of the Des Moines River is its west boundary. The north boundary is 3rd Avenue South, and South 5th Street goes through the west side of the parcel. Along much of the east side, the Three Rivers Trail is the east boundary. This parcel has development potential, subject to the governmental zoning rules and Federal Emergency Management Agency flood plain restrictions.
Title | Price | Status | Type | Area | Purpose | Bedrooms | Bathrooms |